The sauce and steaks are cooked simultaneously and when the steaks are done (6 mins for medium rare, 4 minutes for rare) take them out and pour the pizzaiola sauce into the pan that was grilling the steaks to soak up the steak juice and browned bits. i felt top chef-esque doing that cause the pan sizzled up like no other, which meant i was doing it right. yay. recipe
Pan-Seared Steak with Pizzaiola
In the new issue of bon appetit there are some great recipes that i couldnt wait to try out. Mostly cause i wanted to venture out of my usual Martha and Giada recipes. This one stuck out to me in particular cause it was a rib-eye (my fave cut) and some sort of tomato sauce, i thought it was interesting so i gave it a go. SUUPER easy to make! i loved it mostly cause there was no marinating time, just a cook and eat type of meal.

meat & potatoes.