In the wise words of Carrie Bradshaw: "In a city as cynical as New York, is it still possible to believe in love at first sight?" If the love is food, then YES!
Mini Black and White Cookies
ah ... New York, NY. Whats not to love about NYC? You've got Magnolia Bakery, SoHO, the Bumble and Bumble Salon (love), the feeling that Times Square gives you, Hot Dog Carts, 5th Ave, Ice skating in Rockefeller Center, Dylans Candy Bar, Christmas window displays and last but def not least: Carrie Bradshaw. The episode of Sex and the City where she's walking down the street shopping and gnawing on one of those HUGE black and white cookies added so mch nostalgia to the show and honored one of the tastiest icons of NYC. Every bakery will probably have a version of these cookies but i've never seen baby ones like these that Martha has in her Cookies book. I had to make them, especially because i had two of my closest girlfriends coming over for wine and dinner. The hardest part of these cookies were icing them, being careful with the center line. I used a small spatula from Williams-Sonoma, like these.
Make sure to flip the cookie over and frost the flat side cause it will roll off the round side if you dont. Also, lay some parchment paper under the cookie rack after you frost them so cleanup is easy if they drizzle off.