Ta-da! For just $2.99 a pop, you can pretend she's cooking for you. Or better yet, WITH you. Fun times! I dug out my bag of frozen giant shrimp from Trader Joe's around $10 and my trusty Barilla thick spaghetti $1 and off I went!

My three le creuset babies going to work! I love them so much I use them for EVERYTHING! In the orange we got the water boiling the pasta, the blue has the shrimp sautéing with butter and garlic, and finally in the yellow I sweated an onion and sliced mushrooms before adding the magic Tomato and Basil Sauce. I like to cook the shrimp separately because I don't want them to overcook in the sauce and get all rubbery and gross.

When the shrimp were done (only takes a minute, when they are pink and curled) I took them out of the pan and used some of the tomato sauce to deglaze the bits of garlic and yummy shrimp juices and added it back to the yellow pot. I learned this in cooking class and I realized it really does make a difference in flavor!

Finished! Giada helped me with dinner, can't you tell? It's a shame I didn't have any Parmigiano-Reggiano in the fridge cause then it would really be a Giada masterpiece. Buon appetito!