The moment I saw the previews for Julie&Julia I have been counting down the DAYS for it to come out, and tonight i finally saw it. It.Was.Scrumptious. From the first sight Julia's deboned Dover Sole covered with butter to Julie Powells' own Chocolate Pie and all the way through to Julia's famous Duck en Croute, every scene was like a sweet and savory taste of what each womens life was like. My favorite scenes were the ones of Julia at Le Cordon Bleu, learning techniques side by side with more experienced chefs. I couldn't help but draw parallels between Julia and I, because at cooking school i often screw up and it just made me realize that even the most talented and passionate people have a rough beginning. As for Julie Powell, I am so amazed that she actually cooked all 524 recipes in just 365 days! I wish i had that sort of ambition! This movie has truly been an inspiration and totally made me want to get into the kitchen and make some Boeuf Bourguignon! Until then, bon apetit!